Previous: From Color Space to Color Names Up: A Computational Model of Color Perception and Color Naming Next: An Application and Some Empirical Results
In this chapter I will put all the pieces together, and discuss the complete behaviors that can be modeled using the work described so far. Here we will refer back to the original goals of the research set forth in Section , viz. to enable an autonomous robotic agent to name colors of objects in its field of view, and to point out examples of objects with specified colors in its environment, both in close agreement with human performance on the same tasks.
As I have explained before, I will not be concerned with issues of color constancy, assuming constant and homogeneous flat-spectrum lighting, nor with issues related to color in context, i.e. the influence context may have on color perception. However, in Chapter , where I present an application based on the model, the constancy issue will be dealt with to some extent.