Previous: The agent Up: The agent Next: The Sensori-Actuator level.
Primitive abilities.
The agent has the following primitive sensations:
- Speed and direction of rotation for each of the left and right wheel
motors are independently sensed. Sensed values for each motor range
from 2 foot/sec of wheel circumference to -2 foot/sec of wheel
circumference (in increments of 0.1).
- The bumpers in the front and the back can sense initial contact
between the bumper and external object as well as reaction forces due
to pushing. Sensor values range from 0 to 2, in increments of 1.
- The camera inputs an 9x7 array of RGB triplets, each
triplet representing an average value over the corresponding portion of
the camera's field of view.
The agent has the following primitive actions:
- Speed and direction of rotation for each of the left and right wheel
motors are independently controlled. Actuation values for each motor
increase/decrease by 1/10 foot/sec of wheel circumference in forward
and reverse direction. Brakes can be applied to each wheel which can
bring it to stop. We assume negligible acceleration/deceleration
- The light on top of each robot is either on, off, or flashing with a
frequency of 1-4 Hz (in increments of 1 Hz).