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[Shepard 1987] provides an elegant argument for his claim that the probability of generalization of an existing (known) category to a new (unknown) stimulus is a monotonic function of the normalized distance in psychological space of the unknown stimulus to known stimuli belonging to the category. He further specifies that this function can be approximated by a simple exponential decay or, under certain circumstances, a Gaussian function. The distance metric is either Euclidean, resulting in circular (or spheroid) contours of equal generalization, or a slight variant that results in elliptic (or ellipsoid) contours of equal generalization.
Following Shepard's suggestion, I have used a variant of the Gaussian normal distribution as a category model, which I will refer to as the normalized Gaussian model. The usual normal curve in one variable (as used in probability theory) is given by
where is the standard deviation (determining the ``width'' of the
curve), and
is the mean or expected value (determining the location
of the maximum) (Fig.
Since the normal curve is used as a probability density function, it has
the special property that . The term
is the Euclidean distance of the
one-dimensional point
to the mean
. To derive the normalized
Gaussian function, we drop the factor
since we don't need the interpretation as a probability density function,
and we substitute the general N-dimensional Euclidean distance function for
the distance term, which gives us
with symbols as in equation . An example of a
two-dimensional version of this function is shown in
This function has a number of interesting properties for use as a basic color category model: