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As discussed in Section (p. ), [De Valois \& De Valois 1975] suggest that the six types of LGN cells found can be grouped into three dimensions, when mirror image pairs are combined into one dimension. That results in a red-green, a blue-yellow, and a brightness dimension which can be arranged in a ``double cone''-type color space. We now turn to the construction of such a 3-dimensional color space based on the six response functions described above. In view of the hypothesis that mirror-image coding of signals in the nervous system is a way to increase the dynamic range of the signal [Slaughter 1990], and following the suggestion of [De Valois \& De Valois 1975], I will assume that the responses of mirror-image pairs of functions can be added to give one composite function:
where is a new composite green--red opponent function, a new composite blue--yellow opponent function, a new composite brightness function (non-opponent), and represent the six response functions , , , , , and , respectively. The members of the pairs have to be subtracted rather than added because they are 180 degrees out of phase relative to each other, and we want the corresponding phases to add up rather than cancel each other. The order of the terms determines the sign of the phases of the composite functions, and is arbitrary. I will always use the order of equations -- as the convention. Figure (upper half) shows the resulting opponent functions at a relative radiance of 0.5.
Some interesting properties of these functions are:
In my opinion, these observations lend support to the assumption of one global maximum firing rate, and to the method of combining the six component functions into three. I therefore feel confident in using the three composite functions obtained as a neurophysiological basis for a 3-dimensional color space with a color opponent organization, interpreting the and functions as color opponent dimensions and the function as the brightness dimension. Later I will investigate the usefulness of this color space for the color naming problem. For now, I would like to note that this approach may provide an interesting bridge between the neurophysiology and the psychology of color perception (see Section , p. ).