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Learning a Color Space Transformation

Now that we have constructed the NPP space, we need to be able to transform data coming from color sensors (typically an RGB color camera) into it, if we want the NPP space to be usable for robotic agents (Chapter p. ) or for general computer vision work. Since all color cameras in use today are based on the CIE XYZ standard, we need to transform XYZ coordinates to NPP coordinates. This will proceed in two steps: a transform from XYZ to the 6 linear functions from Section (p. ), followed by sigmoidification and a final linear transform to make the gray axis vertical, as described in the same section. Although it might be possible in principle to go directly from XYZ to NPP coordinates, I have chosen the method just described because it follows the theoretical construction of the NPP space more closely, and it provides additional advantages for the learning (optimization) procedure described below.

Since it is not possible to determine a simple linear transform from XYZ to the 6 linear functions within a reasonable margin of error, I have used the error back-propagation algorithm to determine such a transform, as commonly used in artificial neural networks research [Rumelhart et al. 1986]. In contrast with many applications of the backpropagation technique I did not use the network as a classifier, but rather to learn six simultaneous functions of three real variables (the CIE X, Y, and Z coordinates), implementing a transform from one space to another. Using the networks this way imposes much stricter requirements on the obtained transform than using them as a classifier does, since both the domain and range are continuous-valued, and there are no ``bins'' in the range within which differences in function values are not important, as is the case in classifier nets.

The error back-propagation algorithm is defined for N-layer feed-forward networks with consecutive layers fully connected, no connections going to nodes in layers other than the neighboring one(s), and using the sigmoid node activation function (Figures and ).

Since this kind of network is strictly feed-forward, the computation at each layer amounts to the composition of a linear transform with the sigmoid node activation function:

where represents the weight matrix for stage , represents the vector of inputs to this stage, i.e., the activations of the nodes at stage , represents the vector of outputs of this stage, i.e., the activations of the nodes at stage , and represents the usual sigmoid activation function from equation (p. ). After the network has been trained we can collect the matrices and implement the transform via equation , disregarding the neural network simulation machinery. If we keep the networks ``rectangular'', i.e., with the same number of nodes at each layer, we can also determine the inverse transform by inverting the matrices (if possible) and the sigmoid function . This turns out to be possible for the transforms I have computed, so I have indeed used rectangular nets, padding the input and/or output with small fixed random values if necessary. This padding does not seem to have any noticeable effect on the convergence of the backpropagation algorithm or the quality of the computed transform (as determined by the procedure outlined below).

One of the most critical problems in using the error backpropagation algorithm to learn a particular transform is the selection of a proper training set. Since this learning technique is a supervised one, one needs to construct a set of input-output pairs that covers the n-dimensional input and output subspaces (assuming n input and output nodes) sufficiently well to produce a smooth transform, without significant discontinuities and generalizing well to new input/output pairs. In our particular case, the natural thing to do might seem to be to construct a training set based on the pure frequency responses of the XYZ and NPP functions, by varying the frequency over the visible wavelength range:

with symbols as in Section (p. ) and equation (p. ). This type of training set turns out not to work well, and some analysis reveals why: it does not contain any training points on the gray axis (since no pure frequency signal results in an equal response of all three XYZ functions) or any points in the purple region of the color space (since purple is a ``mixture of red and blue'' which cannot be obtained from a pure frequency signal), for instance. It is therefore no surprise that the transform does not work well in these (and other) areas of the color space. What we need to do is to create a training set containing points corresponding to complex stimulus spectra, including grays, purples, and all other kinds. Since spectra can be thought of as real-valued functions of wavelength (usually, though not necessarily, continuous and differentiable), the set of possible spectra is infinite. Fortunately we can exploit some constraints on the physically possible surface reflectance functions to generate a number of representative spectra, analogous to the way we constructed the OCS surface in Section (p. ). We know that all physically possible spectra must result in points enclosed by that surface (including points on the gray axis), so these are the spectra of interest for constructing a training set. Based on the technique described in Section (p. ), I have created an extended one to generate a set of spectra covering both the OCS surface and the space contained within it. The spectra are given by the following function:

where is wavelength in nm as usual, is the width of the ``gap'' in nm, is the start of the ``gap'' in nm (as in Section p. ), and and are two reflectance levels in . By varying and over the visible wavelength range and and over the interval, we can generate a subset of all possible reflectance spectra, some of which are shown in Figure .

By varying in 10 equal steps from 0 to 400, in 10 equal steps from 380 to 780, and and each in 7 equal steps from 0 to 1, we obtain a set of 4900 spectra that cover the OCS surface and the space enclosed by it fairly well, as shown in Figure . In this figure the XYZ coordinates corresponding to the spectra are computed as in equation (p. ) ff, and these coordinates are the input values for the training set. The output values for the training set are computed analogously using the 6 linear NPP functions.

Comparing Figures (p. ) and we can see that there are no points outside the OCS surface, which is expected of course. Such points do not correspond to physically possible reflectance spectra, and hence are of no interest to us.

As a measure of convergence of the backpropagation algorithm, I have computed the RMS error vector between the teaching vectors and the output vectors over the complete training set. The results for two, three, and four-layer networks are shown in Figure .

I have used the Rochester Connectionist Simulator for these computations. The results can be influenced by some additional parameters such as a momentum term (preventing the weights from changing too abruptly in the course of learning), a temperature parameter (determining the derivative of the sigmoid node activation function), and the learning rate (determining how fast the gradient descent learning proceeds). These parameters were set by trial and error to 0.66, 0.44, and 0.03, respectively. In general, deciding when to stop the learning is a relative of the general halting problem, and thus not a computable function. Since we are doing optimization for one particular problem, we can hand-pick a local minimum in the error landscape by examining the error plots over a long enough period, but we can never really be sure that we have obtained a global minimum. Since the magnitude of the error derivative tends to approach zero over the course of learning, we can be reasonably confident that whatever local minimum we pick is not too far from the global minimum, although networks with more layers tend to display sudden changes in the error functions, as evident for the 4 layer network in Figure (between 5000 and 6000 iterations).

Of course the quality of the obtained transform is more important than the RMS error over the training set. To evaluate this, I will first compare the position of the gray axis in the NPP space as derived in Section (p. ) to the gray axis as computed by the network-derived transforms (Figure ).

Visual inspection reveals that the gray axis extends into the negative brightness values for the 2-layer network transform, which is of course undesirable, but not for the 3 or 4-layer transforms. In all cases, the transformed gray axis is vertical, and somewhat more curved than the original. The exact black and white coordinates are for the NPP space, and for the 2-layer network transform, for the 3-layer, and for the 4-layer network transform (to 2 significant digits). For 11 equally spaced points along the NPP gray axis, the RMS error vectors relative to the transformed points are for the 2-layer net, for the 3-layer, and for the 4-layer net, which confirms the aberration in the brightness dimension for the 2-layer net. The other two are close enough to make the difference insignificant.

Another important measure of the quality of the transform is what it does to the OCS surface, which I will continue to use as a frame of reference for studying the spacing of basic color category foci in the NPP and other spaces. Figure shows the OCS surface as transformed by the 4-layer network, the one with the lowest overall RMS error. It should be compared to Figure (p. ), which shows the same surface in the (directly computed) NPP space.

We can see that the general shape of the transformed space (Figure ) is close to that of the directly computed space (Figure p. ), with a vertical gray axis, similar spacing of hues around the perimeter of the surface, and comparable overall dimensions. There are some differences too, e.g. the (approximately) red-purple region of the transformed space is stretched and seems to bulge more relative to the directly computed version. All in all, I consider this result satisfactory enough to be used in practice. We should also be aware that the directly computed version is based on measurements of the Macaque visual system, and the transformed one on a transform of human standard observer functions, which may account for some of the observed differences. The exact parameters of the transform are given in Appendix .