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Our architecture as described in section can be populated with components that make up the machinery for mapping sensory inputs to response actions, as does Russell in [Russell 1991]. We now discuss some applications of GLAIR that we are currently developing.

Some important general features of GLAIR-agent are the following:

Reflexive behavior occurs when sensed data produces a response, with little or no processing of the data. A reflex is immediate. The agent has no expectations about the outcome of its reflex. The reflexive response is not generated based on a history of prior events or projections of changing events, e.g., a gradual temperature rise. Instead, reflexive responses are generated based on spontaneous changes in the environment of the agent, e.g. a sudden sharp rise in temperature. In anthropomorphic terms, this is innate behavior that serves directly to protect the organism from damage in situations where there is no time for conscious thought and decision making, e.g., the withdrawal reflex when inadvertently touching something hot. Reflexive behavior does not require conscious reasoning or detailed sensory processing, so our lowest level, the Sensori-Actuator level, is charged with producing these behaviors. Our initial mechanism for modeling reflexive behavior is to design processes of the form T A, where T is a trigger and A is an action. A trigger can be a simple temporal-thresholding gate. The action A is limited to what can be expressed at the Sensori-Actuator level, and is simple and fast.

Reactive behavior requires some processing of data and results in situated action [Suchman 1988]. However, its generation is subconscious. Situated action refers to an action that is appropriate in the environment of the agent. In anthropomorphic terms, this is learned behavior. An example would be gripping harder when one feels an object is slipping from one's fingers, or driving a car and tracking the road. We use the term tracking to refer to an action that requires continual adjustments, like steering while driving. Examples of this type of reactive behavior are given in [Anderson et al. 1991][Payton 1986]. Situated behavior requires assessment of the state the system finds itself in (in some state space) and acting on the basis of that. It might be modeled by the workings of a finite state automaton, for example, the Micronesian behavior described in [Suchman 1988]. Situated action is used in reactive planning [Schoppers 1987][Firby 1987][Agre \& Chapman 1987].

Deliberative behavior requires considerable processing of data and reasoning which results in action. In anthropomorphic terms, this is learned behavior that requires reasoning that can be modeled by a Turing machine (or first order logic), for example explicit planning and action.

We have developed an implementation mechanism for the Perceptuo-Motor-level which we call Perceptuo-Motor-automata (PMA), [Hexmoor \& Nute 1992]. A PMA is a finite state machine in which each state is associated with an act and arcs are associated with perceptions. In each PMA, a distinguished state is used to correspond to the no-op act. Each state also contains an auxiliary part we call Internal State (IS). An IS is used in arbitrating among competing arcs. Arcs in a PMA are situations that the agent perceives in the environment. When a PMA arc emanating from a state becomes active, it behaves like an asynchronous interrupt to the act in execution in the state. This causes the PMA to stop executing the act in the state and to start executing the act at the next state at the end of the arc connecting the two states. This means that in our model the agent is never idle, and it is always executing an act. The primary mode of acquiring PMAs in GLAIR is by converting plans in the Knowledge level into PMAs through a process described in [Hexmoor \& Nute 1992]. A PMA may become active as the result of an intention to execute an action at the Knowledge level. Once a PMA becomes active, sensory perception will be used by the PMA to move along the arcs. The sensory perceptions that form the situations on the arcs as well as subsequent actions on the PMA may be noticed at the Knowledge level. In general, the sensory information is filtered into separate streams for PMAs and for the Knowledge level.